Saturday, August 26, 2017

HOW to BALANCE your pH to Heal Your Body? BODY pH Balance Naturally to CURE Health/Body with DIET BODY pH Balance Naturally to CURE Health/Body with DIET. HOW BALANCE pH WILL Heal Your Body? Have you been feeling run down, tired, sick or cranky lately? If so, it could all be down to one simple thing: pH! BEST Unclog Arteries FOODS? EAT These 5 SUPERFOODS to Unclog/CLEANSE Your Arteries NATURALLY Daily EATING BANANAS with Brown Spots Fight CANCER? EAT 2 Ripen Bananas a DAY for NaturalCancer PREVENTION Is EATING Limes GOOD For You? Surprising HEALTH Benefits of Eating/DRINK Limes & It Juice Everyday TOP 5 Anti-CANCER Benefits FRUITS You Didn’t Know. MUST EAT These Fighting Cancer NATURALLY Fruits Oncologists Noticed CANCER Stops when 5 FOODS Are Combined Together. Cancer Stop By EATING FOODS #Detoxify Your LIVER & Improve VISION By Juice These 3 Superfoods. Superfood DETOX Juice LIVER Tonic COCONUT Oil Unhealthy?! IS Eating Coconut Oil NOT Benefits Your HEALTH? WHY Coconut Oil Is Healthful Your pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the body is. If you're eating unhealthy food, not sleeping well, drinking lots of alcohol, having negative thoughts or getting stressed and overwhelmed, there's a good chance you're very acidic. Too much acidity in the body can lead to complications, poor health or mood swings. Let's face it, with the festive season here, lots of Christmas and New Year's parties, late nights and rich food, there's a good chance you may be out of balance. It's very simple to test your pH levels. You just buy a kit from your pharmacy or naturopath and wet it with your urine or saliva before you have had any fluids or solids first thing in the morning. The strip will change to a color depending on the level of acidity or alkalinity of the body, which you measure against the color chart on the pack. Most people may simply ignore whether they are acidic or alkaline, but it has a huge impact on your energy levels, your health, your nervous system and even your state of mind. In contemporary Western societies, we tend to live very acidic lifestyles. Not just in the food we eat, but also in the fast-paced, noisy environments with which we surround ourselves. Overstimulation of the nervous system, lots of noise, alcohol, caffeine, processed food, wheat, sugar, dairy, lots of meat ... all of these contribute to acidity of the body. This time of year, more than any other, your body can really get out of balance! Below are seven strategies I use to keep my body alkalized: 1. Drink warm water with organic, raw apple cider vinegar, or a squeeze of lemon in the morning. 2. Avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol. 3. Drink fresh, organic, green smoothies. 4. Eat plenty of berries, including goji berries, blueberries and cranberries. 5. Eat soaked nuts and seeds. 6. Practice yoga. 7. Meditate. Testing your pH level takes just three minutes in the morning. It's something you only need to do every few weeks. If you want to thrive during festive season, be sure to keep your pH in check. Go on, give it a shot, and let me know how it goes! There’s a lot of hype around the #alkaline #diet, but what it really comes down to is maintaining our body’s ideal #natural balance, or #pH. Being in the alkaline range can positively affect our immune health and inflammation levels—two of the biggest factors in overall well-being. #Foods and drinks that are highly acidic can take your pH levels into less-than-optimal territory, but it’s a combination of lifestyle and diet that can make... Improved immunity: When the body’s pH is out of balance, cells aren’t getting the minerals they need to oxygenate the body and function optimally, thus compromising the immune system. When your body is alkaline, your immune system benefits, and this can help prevent a range of illnesses from a common cold to more serious infections and viruses. Anti-inflammatory: If the body’s pH is out of whack, inflammation—a major contributor to chronic illness—can creep in. A big part of maintaining lifelong health is reducing inflammation, which you can do by adding more alkaline foods and habits to your day. 😍😍😍😍😍 Like, Share and Subscribe Our Channel if you think these video is informative and helpful. Thank you! ph balance,ph,alkaline,acid,water,diet,acidic,cancer,blood,ph level,health,acids,stress,test,protein,body ph balance,best,alkaline diet,alkaline diet foods to eat,nutrition,acid diet,how to balance your ph,alkalinity,how to balance your ph levels,how to balance your ph to heal your body,foods,food,raw food diet,raw food,home remedies,natural cures,natural remedies,alkaline water,acidic person,acidic foods,acidic body,acidic body cure,acidic body signs

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