Friday, September 1, 2017

DRINK This Everyday To PEE OUT More Toxins! Support Healthy KIDNEY Function with NATURAL Diuretics Support Healthy KIDNEY Function, Cleanse Your Kidneys with NATURAL Diuretics. Kidneys are critical for toxin elimination and general good health. DRINK This Everyday To PEE OUT More Toxins! How to Cleanse & Detox Your Kidneys Naturally – 6 Best Foods STOP Taking Your MEDICINE! WHY I Stopped Take My Medicines and Do These INSTEAD. FIGHT Inflammation NATURALLY with This Turmeric & Lemon DRINK. Amazing PAIN Relief DIY Drink for YOU No 1 FOOD for Hypertension HEART Attack, & Cholesterol. HOW To Low High BLOOD Pressure, Cholesterol? HOW to BALANCE your pH to Heal Your Body? BODY pH Balance Naturally to CURE Health/Body with DIET 7 BEST FOODS to Cleanse COLON Naturally. Gut-Cleansing Foods Help BOOST Flush TOXIN Out Of Colon BEST Unclog Arteries FOODS? EAT These 5 SUPERFOODS to Unclog/CLEANSE Your Arteries NATURALLY Daily. Do you have frequent bloating and chronic fatigue? Do you have kidney stones, skin problems, or recurring urinary tract infections? You may want to start thinking about detoxing your kidneys. The longer toxins are left to build up in your kidneys, the more at risk you are for renal disease or renal failure. Most people are born with two kidneys — each about the size of a tennis ball. Healthy kidneys have millions of nephrons that filter out waste. This waste is then removed through the urine. Unhealthy kidneys lose the ability to efficiently filter out waste, and toxins start to build up in the blood. Excess waste in the body can cause nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, generalized weakness, change in taste, and itchy skin. Our kidneys are one of the hardest working organs of the body. Everyday our kidneys filter out about 200 quarts (30 gallons) of blood, while removing toxins and excess fluid. Kidneys also monitor blood pressure, make red blood cells, regulate calcium to build strong bones, and balance out our electrolyte levels. Before You Start a #Detox #Cleanse If you’ve made up your mind in doing a #kidneycleanse, give your body that extra fighting chance by doing everything you possibly can in giving your body the upper hand. This includes eliminating all #toxins, #chemicals, GMOs, MSG, sugar, refined/processed #food, dairy, caffeine, fried foods, and saturated fats from your diet. Also, stop smoking and drinking at least a week before and after your cleanse. Try to eliminate chemicals found in common household detergents and fabric sheets, cleaning products,shampoos, soaps, and air fresheners. Replace as many as you can with natural or DIY products. If you’re going to invest in a gym membership, make sure that they offers classes such as yoga or Pilates. These types of meditative exercises stimulate your circulation, lymphatic system, and #digestivesystem. Kidney Cleansing Foods & Recipes Most kidney problems do not show symptoms early on. It is important to maintain healthy kidneys before they start showing signs of disease or failure. Symptoms of #kidney disease include nausea, decreased appetite, swelling of the ankles and lower legs, generalized fatigue, itching and dry skin, foamy and bloody urine, bad taste in the mouth, and mental status changes. Your body is designed to naturally detox and remove excess uric acid from the body through the urine. But when the kidneys aren’t functioning properly, the excess toxins can build up in the blood. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables during your cleanse and stay away from animal meat and fats. Animal fats and protein contain a lot of uric acid. When the body breaks down a chemical called purine, which is naturally made in the body and found in certain foods, uric acid is produced. Uric acid can crystalize in the blood and accumulate around the joints, creating arthritic pain. This is what happens during a gout attack. A study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology shows that a lower protein diet is more beneficial to patients with chronic renal failure. Patients who are in end stage renal disease (ESRD) and on dialysis, are recommended to eat a normal protein diet because dialysis removes protein waste and essential amino acids from their blood. Foods that are high in uric acid are meat proteins (chick, red meat, fish), fats, yeast, and beer. Other foods to stay away from during a kidney detox are sugar, table salt, and caffeine. Foods that are beneficial to the kidneys are apple cider vinegar, berries, dandelion leaves, beets, garlic, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts & seeds, turmeric, and carrots. Ingredients for Kidney Cleanses Apple Cider Vinegar Berries Dandelion Leaves Beets Garlic Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Nuts & Seeds Turmeric Carrots 😍😍😍😍😍 Like, Share and Subscribe Our Channel if you think these video is informative and helpful.

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